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3D Scanned Canyon - Modular Cliffs + Rocks, Grass and more

3D Scanned Canyon - Modular Cliffs + Rocks, Grass and more


3D Scanned Canyon - the scene, based on scanned assets from real desert canyon in Kazakhstan. Modular Cliffs, Desert Rocks, Endemic Grass and Procedural Materials.


  •  9 high-quality, photo-scanned and manually resculpted for modularal workflow cliff meshes, captured in real desert canyon.
  •  6 individual photo-scanned desert rock meshes from the canyon.
  • 11 grass meshes, contained of endemic grass, such as thorns and artemisia, based on photo-textures.
  • HD-quality, high-res textures including normal-, diffuse-, roughness and AO maps. All is PBR based.
  • Procedural materials for all meshes (dynamic color, contrast, normal change and so on)
  • Complex procedural landscape material including 8 layers, such as dark cliffs, sand, mud, puddles and more (dynamic mask blending, color, roughness, height change and so on)
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