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3D to Pixel

3D to Pixel


An Editor Widget Utility that make 3D meshs in 2D (Pixel Art or HD) with lot of customizations and normal maps.

Create Pixel Art textures with your 3D assets easily with 3D to Pixels!

Thanks to the Editor Widget Blueprints system transform all your mesh, skeletal mesh and animations into Textures, Sprites, SpritesSheet ready to use in your projects! But that's not it, you can create a Pixel Perfect Normal Maps too with a lot of customizations. Automate all the work, stay in Editor and don't use third party programs anymore.


Add multiple effects like lut based Celshading, pixel perfect Outlines and Inlines, Ambient Lut changes.

Very easy to use in all resolutions, all frame rates and save all the parameters in presets for reusing it.

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