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Advanced Jigsaw Inventory system

Advanced Jigsaw Inventory system


Jigsaw inventory system that supports rotating, stacking, splitting items and container within container, also has a equip slot and pickup system and many more features.

Inside you will find a fully replicated example, in this example you can setup your loot containers, pickups, weapon attachments and even loot dead players and AI, so if you're looking to get a head start in your next shooter looter game this example is for you and it's easy to manage.


The included example is one of many possibilities, you can setup your own inventory layout and the system will take care of everything including replication, furthermore this system uses one component to manage player inventory, loot containers and even vendors, all of these actors share the same component which makes it easy to communicate between them.


If you prefer to handle everything yourself and not use the available tools you can do it, the inventory UI is composed of 2 widgets, with these 2 widgets you can create any inventory system you want, the JSIContainer will provide you with everything that's happening from a player wanting to move something, an item being clicked etc and you decide what should happen.

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