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Advanced Village Pack

Advanced Village Pack


Create great looking environments fast and easy.

It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you the Advanced Village Pack, built exclusively for Unreal Engine 4.


At a glance, the Advanced Village Pack includes the following:

• Over 140 assets: High Quality Static Meshes, Blueprints, Effects and Materials.

• The more complex actors like the houses and the trees have Blueprints counterparts that allow for a fast and smooth customization.

• Advanced materials that can represent a wide range of surfaces, from wood and metal to foliage, fire, smoke and water.

• 4096×4096 tightly packed textures with Diffuse, Roughness, Metallic, Opacity and NormalMap information.

• Selected actors support Day and Night Cycle. For example the houses and street lamps lit up during night-time.

• Example of a basic Day and Night system that can be further expanded for your specific project.

• Clean and well commented Blueprints and materials, making it easy to modify if necessary.

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