AI Spline-Based Movement System 4.27
What is this plugin used for?
This is an advanced, optimized, and easy to setup component-based system that will let you to achieve more AAA quality aspects of your games. Makes AI moving on navmeshes a lot more smooth and natural without forcing any rotation/movement limitations to your Character (or Pawn) and with no compromises on the performance side (at least on modern mid-end desktop CPUs). C++ well commented code only and almost all is virtual and fairly flexible for inheritance and your further code modifications.
How to use it?
- Add plugin's actor component to your Pawn/Character
- Add just two nodes/behavior tasks from it to your logic
- Tune it's params (which all has description) as you want
- That's all
- Easy to setup, no coding skills required
- Contains 1 actor component, 2 blueprint nodes, 1 behavior tree task
- Compatible both with Characters and Pawns
- Compatible both with RVO Avoidance and Crowd Manager, but not at perfect level in some cases
- Very well optimized - no performance drops at least on modern $100 CPUs (tested with 100 actors)
- Has fully commented code - hundreds of lines of comments
- Code is fairly flexible for inheritance and your further code modifications