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Animated FP Civilian Arms Pack

Animated FP Civilian Arms Pack


AAA quality FP Civilian Arms Pack: Rigged & animated w/3 skin tones, 5 gloves, 5 clothing types, 4K textures. 83 assets total!

The Ironbelly Studio Animated FP Civilian Arms pack comes with 11 fully rigged and animated sets of hand and arms that are interchangeable. The pack includes bare male hands (with light, medium, and dark skin tones), five options for gloves- leather, leather fingerless, light latex, motorcycle, and tuxedo. There are also 5 sleeve textures- dark grey pinstripe suit, flannel shirt/ sweater/ track suit with color picker, and leather motorcycle jacket. Mix and match different sleeve and glove textures and easily customize your project.

The FP arms included are compatible with all weapons and the UE4 Starter Kit.

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