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Antiquity 3D

Antiquity 3D


Ancient Greco-Roman city environment filled with 150 photo-scanned assets originating from real museums and archaeological sites.
Please be advised, this is NOT a modular kit, the assets are designed to match with each other, yet you won't be able to snap pieces together on a grid as in modular kits. The example city scene is built as an example to demonstrate what you can assemble yourself by placing together, scaling, rotating and vertex painting the assets.This pack's main focus are the statues and sculptural elements, structural elements are secondary and provided to create a proper environment for the demo scene. Unreal Engine's default sky blueprint comes with this pack.In order to use this pack or its parts commercially, you can incorporate it into your own project, please be advised that simply re-selling this project - as is - on any given platform is prohibited.

Main Features:


·        Example city scene built with all of the assets

·        Both Static and Dynamic day / night time lighting

·        Dirt Vertex paint on many materials

·        Photo Scanned real life statues and sculpture

·        Photo Scanned real life fragments of archaeological sites

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