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Architectural Textures

Architectural Textures


Expertly made, seamless turnkey PBR textures ready for use in your 3D projects.

Here's my upgraded package of Architectural textures that was previously named '38 Architectural Textures'. From now on there won't be any number in the name, as I'm going to always add new textures to it. Earlier the pack contained 38 textures, now it consists of 55 quality textures, ready for use in your projects. The quality of my textures is invariably high, almost all of them are 2048Х2048. Each texture includes a diffuse map, a specular map, a roughness map, a normal map, a height map and an occlusion map.

What's new:

- 5 new grass textures added (Grass 01, Grass 02, Ground 01, Ground 02, Ground 03). All of them are 2048X2048 .

- New variations for bricks_01 and bricks_09 added – bricks_01_vert and bricks_09_vert. You'll need them to create vertical brick rows commonly used in window openings. I'm going to add vertical variations for each brick texture in the future.

- I added several old textures that were not included in the pack earlier because of their smaller resolution. The textures roofing 01, Stones 04, Stones 05 are 1024X1024, but they're quality textures as well. Someone might need them.

- I also added 4 textures with extra high resolution. Bricks_14, Bricks_15, Stones_15, Stones_16 are 4096X4096.

From now on I'll try to make all my textures with such high resolution.


Thư viện đồ họa là trang web cung cấp dịch vụ thuê thư viện tính phí, nhận đặt mua model 3D, Assets Unreal giá rẻ. Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng nhắn tin bên góc dưới màn hình. Rất vui khi được phục vụ các bạn.

Cách thức mua hàng:
Bước 1: Đăng nhập vào tài khoản của bạn, đăng ký miễn phí

Bước 2: Chuyển khoản vào STK sau: 

Số tài khoản: 105874060900 - VietinBank

Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Thanh Tùng


Bước 3: Chụp bill và gửi vào mục chat ở góc dưới bên phải màn hình


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