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Arctic Island

Arctic Island


A set of assets and visual effects, that could help you to build Arctic-type environments or set up your own scenes with similar techniques.

Technical Details


  •  Set of high quality PBR ice assets with size-independent, distance-based microdetail and bent normal mapping support
  •  Custom image-based skydome blueprint with configurable clouds movement emulation and user panoramas support
  •  Custom water shader with LODs and distance field flow-mapping functionality
  •  Set of environmental particle effects to enchance overall visuals
  •  2-layer multi-distance configurable landscape material
  •  Full-featured example location and assets overview map


PBR: Yes

Texture Size: Up to 4K

Collision: Custom / automatically generated / Per-poly

Vertex Count: min 26, max 20991

LODs: Up to 3, automatically generated

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