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Asteroids Mini Game & Photogrammetry Assets

Asteroids Mini Game & Photogrammetry Assets


The package contains 9 rock assets that were created using photogrammetry and they are heavily optimized in order to be game ready! Plus a mini game.

Well, to be honest these are 9 gorgeous looking beach rocks that were collected in the island of Santorini, Greece… and to me these looked a lot like asteroids… so thus the name and the proposed usages: Use these assets as asteroids, alien rocks, or even as just plain, beach rocks from earth.


The package contains 9 rock assets that were created using photogrammetry and they are heavily optimized in order to be game ready!


Instead of an example map, I have included a fully functional mini game. Fly your spaceship in a procedurally generated asteroid belt and blast off these beautiful asteroids (what a pity)!

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