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Automatic Landscape Material

Automatic Landscape Material


This auto-material lets you texture any size landscape with one single click of the mouse. No need for heightmaps or splat maps!

This will save you a massive amount of time. With this material, you throw it on your landscape, and let the material do the work. It automatically textures your terrain based on slope parameters which are all adjustable. Get the perfect look you're needing, simply and easily!

There are over 100 customization parameters between 7 different layers (Dirt01, Dirt02, Grass01, Grass02, Rock01, Sand01, Snow01). This helps you fine tune and get the exact look you are going for.


  • High resolution textures (4k)
  • Automatic Texturing of Landscapes based on slope (Adjustable values)
  • Over 100 customization parameters between 7 layers including sand and snow
  • (6) Heightmap brushes to create natural looking mountains and hills with a single click of the mouse
  • Textures are all PBR and captured from a DSLR camera in a real world National Park
  • Industry standard (packed) textures to save memory
  • Photorealistic quality
  • Automatic foliage generator for grass materials (adjustable to support more layers)
  • Foliage removal tool included for material foliage
  • Simple instructions for Master Material
  • Extremely easy to read and understand workflow
  • (2) High quality example maps


Thư viện đồ họa là trang web cung cấp dịch vụ thuê thư viện tính phí, nhận đặt mua model 3D, Assets Unreal giá rẻ. Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng nhắn tin bên góc dưới màn hình. Rất vui khi được phục vụ các bạn.

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Số tài khoản: 105874060900 - VietinBank

Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Thanh Tùng


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