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Beefy Water Hole (Water System)

Beefy Water Hole (Water System)


Fully customizable stylized water material, and blueprint system for constructing ponds, lakes, creeks and streams, with interactive particles.

Featuring an unlit, stylized water material with 50+ parameters for customization - Includes animated shorelines ( w/ options for Depthfade, DistanceFields, or Heightmap based techniques), vertex paint masking, wave color highlights, opacity effects, refraction, and simple wave vertex animations.


An efficient blueprint system for constructing tile-able water meshes and splines - Change water mesh, material, and default particles for enter and exit splashes (if an overlapping actor uses the BeefyInteraction component system, those particles specified in the component are used).


Easy to use BeefyInteractionComponent blueprint system designed for Player/Object particle interactions. Set custom particles to spawn while entering , exiting, wading, or idling in water - adjust particle spawn time intervals, and assigns particle color depending on water material.


**Grass sold separately. Does not include underwater post-processing effects, or reflections.

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