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Biotech - Hornet

Biotech - Hornet


This is a Sci-Fi Character that can be used in any projects as an enemy or the main character, or even decorations.

it is based on the default UE4 mannequin so any animations from the asset store can be used with it


The material is made with mask textures so every section of it can be customized with different Color, Roughness, Metalness.

The emissive lights are 2 separate masks Visor, Main lights, and can be customized by Color and Color intensity.

You also have control over the Dirt level that you can customize the Color, Roughness and Metalness.


This pack also includes the FPS Hands, so you can use it on a shooter project, the hands are also rigged to the default fps hands skeleton so it also can be used with marketplace animation assets


I included a Character Blueprint and a Game Mode Blueprint so you can just press play in the overview map and use these controls to test out the model: [W][A][S][D]; [Space]; [Shift]; [F]; [R]


The model also has a "Random Skin Generator" which you can test out with the [R] Key, or you can test the example materials with the [F] Key

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