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Character Editor

Character Editor



  • Faces come with ~80 Morphtargets - FACS-based morphs ready for facial animations with ARKit
  • Data Assets are used to combine unique characters from different types. Data Assets are split into various child classes like apparel (hats, upperbody, lowerbody etc.) and hairstyles (hair and beards) as well as prepared placeholder attachment and equipment classes
  • Clothing: ~ 27 per gender + 20 for childs.
  • Hairstyles: 7x male, 5x female, 5x child
  • Multiple skeletons are supported Childs are included as well
  • Anatomy Profiles support you to add more RPG-like characters like dwarfes, elves, orcs
  • Basic Wrinklemaps WIP for more believable facial expressions
  • Different skin basetextures + skintint as well
  • Randomize, SaveGame system to save and load customization profiles
  • Thumbnail Studio to help you creating in-game Data Asset thumbnails
  • Light Studio to give you custom light setup inside the in-game editor
  • Morphologies like muscularity, obesity, aging and dynamic size ~160cm to ~185cm
  • 116 Page documentation
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