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Choppable and Interactive Trees (Replicated)

Choppable and Interactive Trees (Replicated)


WARNING: DEPRECATED UE4 only - Need some trees to be chopped down? Use this very easy to use and customizable Choppable & Interactive Trees based on destructible mesh (Replicated).

To configure a tree: Create a child blueprint of the BP_TreeCutting_Master.

Here you are able to configure:

·        Duration before logs are spawning

·        Life: How many hits does the tree require to be chopped down?

·        Delete after time fallen: How many seconds does the actor (All parts, e.g. trunk, scene components and any other actor information) needs to be alive after the tee is cut? Note: The fallen logs will remain because they are spawned as separate actors.

·        Destroy actor after inactivity: How many seconds does the tree needs to be alive after the tree is touched? This is necessary due to performance and cleanup purposes.

·        Log to spawn: Define your own log with own variables.

·        Falling tree sound: Which sound to use when the tree is falling

·        The meshes for the trees. Top, middle (Destructible mesh) Trunk and the Original tree.

After the tree is chopped, a log is spawned. This log is a blueprint so you are able to configure it for your inventory system.

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