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Combo Component System

Combo Component System


A system that allows you to trigger animations in a Combo-like sequence.

This systems allows you to setup and trigger "Combos" for any character. The component is networked and works with multiplayer however, this system ONLY handles the triggering of animation and does NOT implement damage. This is to generalize the system and allow you to add it to any project.


Prototype Animations are included for any testing purposes or commercial use. You can also create "Stances" that can be a cancel condition for a Combo Element. Stances are essentially their own "Combo Lists" but can be entered activated through an existing combo. You can setup Delayed inputs and the exact delay duration per component.


Setup is easy and quick. Once the "Combo Component" is added to a character, these combos can be setup in the "Combo Component" or referenced through a data table. The "Command Inputs" can be setup and completely changed per character/project so you can tweak it to your liking!

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