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Custom Motion Blur

Custom Motion Blur


Apply custom motion blur to objects locally or scene-wide

This pack brings high-quality, artist controllable motion blur to selected objects in your scene.

Simulate fast motion , linear and circular, even in still shots!


Suitable for all kinds of real-time projects; games, archviz, motion graphics.

Linear / Circular motion blur cages:

Utilize transparent object's ability to sample colors from the scene to apply a motion-blur effect

to the object the cage is positioned around. Works out of the box: simply drag-and-drop the blueprint,

move, rotate, and scale it into position. Great for individual objects such as projectiles, vehicles, wheels or rotors.


Global motion blur:

Apply a motion blur effect scene-wide. You can use the DepthStencil buffer to selectively

include or exclude objects. Add the blueprint to your scene, tweak your settings, done.

Great for full-scene blurs in racing games or product viz

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