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(Pre) Dark Medieval Environment Megapack ( Modular with Full Interiors )

(Pre) Dark Medieval Environment Megapack ( Modular with Full Interiors )


Dark Medieval Environment Megapack , comes with 341 Unique Static Meshes.

Near the gates and within two cities there will be scourges the like of which was never seen: famine within plague, people put out by steel, crying to the great immortal God for relief...


Dark Medieval Environment Megapack , comes with 341 Unique Static Meshes , Tileable and Trim Materials for Walls and Buildings. Landscape , Foliages , Fully Furnished Interiors and all Enterable Buildings.


Insane amount of customization possibilities .


Now Characters are added in the scene.4 Characters ( 2 versions of Doctors / Male and Female NPC`s)


All hardwork done by an awesome Leartes Team.Do not miss the chance to add this masterpiece to your collection.

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