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DBBrowser v2.0 UE 5.0, v1.1 UE 4.27

DBBrowser v2.0 UE 5.0, v1.1 UE 4.27


Assets Trả Phí


DBBrowser is a plug-in to display web pages, it support H264 video, using the latest Google Chromium kernel, support WebRTC ,H5 and WebGL


optimize:Upgrade CEF kernel version to CEF92

optimize:Optimized limitations and performance of web and JS interaction

feature:Add API UpdateZoomLevel,Use to change the display zoom of a web page

feature:Supports H265 video play

feature:Support for custom binding method Bind, which implements Js access to UE4 objects. When using Bind, use lowercase in Js

feature:support mask WSAD events when typing in a web page

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