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DialogueMsgTextBlock and Flipbook) 4.26+4.27

DialogueMsgTextBlock and Flipbook) 4.26+4.27


This Plugin contains some extension for UMG Widget.

Currently has following widget implemented:

1. HorizonFlipbookWidget: This widget support using PaperFlipbook directly in UMG!(currently only support uniformly sized spritesheets)

2. HorizonDialogueMsgTextBlock: Combine both rich text and typewriter text effect in this widget!

Rich text features: you can control text Color, Shadow Color, Font, Font size and padding for each text block. This widget also support hyperlink.

Dialogue text features: you can control dialogue speed and whether it will repeated after finish.

3. HorizonRadioButtonUserWidget and HorizonRadioButton: Allow user to choose only one of a predefined option.

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