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Different Footsteps Sound System (FPS) Blueprint

Different Footsteps Sound System (FPS) Blueprint


FPS Footstep Based On Physicals Materials. Only Blueprint

This project contain several sets of sounds for each surface, which are played in random order depending on the location of the character.

The interval between sounds depends on the speed of the character. So, for example, moving in a squat, the sounds of steps will be played slowly having a wider

interval than when running.

Also, the interval between sounds depends on the length of the step. By default, it is 95 cm. But you can easily change it to your own. For example, if the step

is only 10 cm, then the sounds will play very often.

Existing surface types: Wood, Snow. Earth (Ground), Carpet, Concrete, Creaky Wood, Sand and Stairs sounds. You can always easily add or change your own surfaces and sounds by following a very simple instruction. A flexible system allows you to change any material to the desired and reproduce sound on a new surface.

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