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Dungeon Lamps

Dungeon Lamps


195 modular objects and preassembled dungeon lamps torches and light fixtures

This pack features 195 modular objects and preassembled dungeon lamps torches and light fixtures. It includes four different PBR material sets to bury the looks of the objects which share all one single texture Atlas in order to make instancing and resource sharing more efficient. The material features the ability to blend between two sets of textures and fade in and out the emissive glow in order to make parts of the mesh look like there are on fire. There are also four different sizes of fire particle systems included which fit the different shapes and sizes of the burning materials of the objects. The pack includes three example Blueprint combining objects, dynamic lights with light functions as well as the particle system and the ability to turn the fire/light on and off. This set comes with textures that have a 8K resolution so that everyone can decide from themselves which mipmap bias they are going to use for the game for example - 2 would be 2048.

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