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Dynamic Locomotion

Dynamic Locomotion


A set of 27 movement animations (walk, run, jump, etc) with Blueprints to provide dynamic, stylized locomotion.

This is a set of 27 hand-crafted (not motion capture), lightly stylized movement animations for character locomotion.


- Uses the UE4 Mannequin rig.

- All animations have in-place and root-motion variants.

- Includes an example Third Person Blueprint, AnimBP, and several blendspaces to demonstrate how the in-place animations can be used.

- Animations are lightly stylized - perfect for games with a stylized art style, but can still work well with realistic characters.

- Each movement speed has left and right lean variations, allowing natural motion while turning.

- Each movement speed has Start and Stop transition animations. Different Stop animations play depending on which foot is forward when the player stops.

- Source FBX files are located in the SourceFiles folder.

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