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Electric Substation

Electric Substation


Highly detailed Substation faithfully recreated from photo reference of real substation

All of the models are based on reference images that were taken of a real life substation, so the props are very authentic and close to their real life counterparts.


This package comes with a pre-assembled substation but you can create your own using the variety of props included in the pack. With over a dozen props, you can make a very unique looking substation.

All props come with custom made collision meshes that are accurate and optimized for gameplay. Polygon counts are kept to a minimum and I used tricks to maintain the visual fidelity without using too many polygons ( for example, I used alpha masked texture to model the ribbed towers, saving a lot of triangles, while still maintaining authentic visual style ).

Technical Details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  Clean optimized meshes w/ hi-res textures
  •  highly detailed and authentic props
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