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Fair Feeling Loot

Fair Feeling Loot


Visual Loot Table Designer for Fair-Feeling Randomized Loot Drops in UE4

When your player kills a monster, what loot should you drop? How will you randomize it? This plugin provides a graph-based editor for creating Loot Table Definitions describing how your random drop logic should work, as well as what randomly rolled stats your loot should have. You can use this to craft a fun looting experience for your players.

Within your Loot Table Definition you can use multiple forms of random choice, including weighted choice, shuffle-bag, and negentropy. Loot Table Definitions also allow for dynamic weights, and offer parameters that can be used to drive logic and decisions within the Loot Table Definition’s graph. By utilizing different forms of random choice and smart usage of parameters, you can craft an experience for your players that feels random, but also feels fair.

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