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Fantasy Forest Environment

Fantasy Forest Environment


A collection of over 120 models, perfect for creating beautiful, stylized sceneries!

Create beautiful sceneries for your project with this collection of over 120 models! Vast array of trees, grasses, flowers and other plants will allow you to make a really diverse environments. Textures for vegetation and props are hand-painted diffuse only, while terrain textures additionally have normal, roughness and height maps. Variants for summer, autumn and winter. The pack is perfect for first and third person camera.


  • 36 tree models: large deciduous trees, spruces and birch in variants for summer, autumn and winter
  • 38 grass, shrubs and flower models
  • 22 mushroom models
  • 12 water lily pad models
  • 6 small rock models
  • 12 terrain tileable textures with normal, roughness and heightmaps
  • Tent with sleeping bag, fireplace, bridge and fence set models
  • Simple water material
  • 5 particles: dust, fire, mist, snow and water splash
  • Demo scene with variants for summer (day and dusk), autumn and winter
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