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Brazilian Favelas with a football field concert stage, light music, and old houses painted with graffiti and streets

Favelas with a football field stage for a concert, light music. Old houses with favelian architecture.

All houses are made modularly, for some houses household items and interior items are made. All houses have an interior (simple and detailed).

Houses can be painted in any configuration. For all objects LODs and simple collisions are made.

A modular scene is also made in the pack - you can assemble your own any configuration. Some musical accessories such as lighting fixtures, and various concert speakers are also present. There is also a very detailed statue of Christ

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  Modular pack
  •  Unique football field
  •  The characteristic architecture of the Favelas
  • Made a very detailed statue of Christ
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