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FX and UI Functions

FX and UI Functions


'FX and UI Functions' is a collection of powerful material functions, which can be used to quickly create procedural and highly adjustable materials for visual effects and user interfaces.

10 utility functions

7 functions to transform UV coordinates

14 functions to create different shapes (3x polygon, 2x rays, 2x star, astroid, 2x spiral, 2x flower, heart, cannabis)

7 noise functions (different complexity and type)

3 utility noise functions

4 functions to create flares (based on different noise types)


A demonstration map shows what each material function does and how changing the parameters affects the result. For this purpose the project includes 85 master materials and 123 material instances. The materials and material functions are commented and include descriptions for nodes and input and output pins. Some additional information regarding the functions can be found in the map as well. So this project can also act as a learning resource.


Advantages of procedurally generated shapes include:

1. Little disk space required, reducing download time of your project.

2. Almost no space in memory required.

3. Effects look sharp and clean, no matter how close you get or how big you scale them.

4. Parameters can be adjusted at runtime and animated frame-by-frame.

5. A huge number of variations can easily be generated.

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