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GAS Companion 4.27

GAS Companion 4.27


Ever wanted to use GAS without any C++ knowledge ? Leveraging the power of the Gameplay Ability System, this plugin provides a starting template and a robust foundation to speed up the creation and development of GAS based projects.

GAS Companion aims to be a general base for GAS powered projects without making any game design choices. The various parts of the system are intended to be subclassed and customized per project needs.


It includes the necessary initial C++ setup, helpers and additional features to get started on a new project that aims to use Epic's GAS plugin (used namely in Fortnite and Paragon, and showcased in Action RPG project)


It enables non C++ developers to work with GAS using only Blueprints. Even non BP friendly, c++ required parts of GAS like Gameplay Attributes can be handled with a custom C++ generation Wizard for Attribute Sets.


Similarly, GAS Companion can help existing projects that are considering the use of GAS and accelerate the implementation, or provide guidance.

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