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(Pre) Hair Pack

(Pre) Hair Pack


Pack of hairstyles, mostly female, using Unreal groom system.

Can be static or dynamic with Niagara physics.

Important\Notes: Displaying too much grooms in vewport at once can

cause performance impact or graphical artifacts, depending on your system configuration.

Detailed information

Number of polygon meshes: 1 female_mannequin (31572 tris), 1 male mannequin (31742 tris)

Number of grooms: 22

Materials: 2

Material instances: 4

Maps: 2 demo_maps , Short hairstyles map and Long hairstyles map

In order to grooms work properly, don't forget to apply these settings

  • enable Alembic Groom Importer plugin
  • enable Groom plugin
  • enable Support Compute Skin Cache in project settings
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