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Hong Kong Alley

Hong Kong Alley


An Asian alley set during the night. Inspired by elements from modern Hong Kong and the history of the Kowloon walled city. The scene is delivered as depicted in the screenshots attached.

- 90+ assets - some referencing unique textures while others share one or more of the tileable materials.
- Included in the assets are several sets of pipes and ventilation shafts, all constructed using a single tileable material.
- The main master materials were designed with adjustments for the PBR parameters and an option for detail normal maps (included in package a few basic detail normal maps which were used across the scene).
- Vertex Paint functionality for selected tileable surfaces with expanded effects like wind-motion, puddles and neon-flickering.
- Spline-based Blueprints to help placement of cables, small pipes and flag pennants.
- Tileable textures for simulating the rough wall, awning fabric, trash bags, metal grating and more.
- A few particle FX for simulating electric sparks & dripping.
- A Materials Map used to demonstrate and help test the tileable materials and decals.
- An Overview level showing all of the assets used in the final environment.

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