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Hover cars with physics based customization

Hover cars with physics based customization


Stylized hover cars that are customizable with a physics based customization system

Fully functional with same features as a car Its stylized and with the Celshaded and outline shaders included this looks like its straight out of a cartoon.


Drivable Car: This uses a custom build driving system to make the hovercar feel more realistic.Its also customizable enabling you to have different speeds and handling with different engine upgrades


Physics based customization: This is a true physics based customization system. You order parts from your computer, pick them up and carry them to your car to install. No inventories, no menus.


Working Computer: Apart from a custom browser with tabs, the computer can also open pictures, get emails and save notes, all from convenient and realistic icons on the desktop or in the taskbar.


Colors : Everything can be setup to be paintable. Paint the walls in your workshop (Which you can customize with furniture) or individual car parts. You can even paint windows.

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