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Impromptu Fire Propagation

Impromptu Fire Propagation


A fire propagation system created entirely in Blueprint.

A fire propagation system, similar that found in the Far Cry series, created entirely in Blueprint. Fire can spread realistically across staticmeshes, landscapes and BSP. 


-Creates grids of burnable FireCells according to your specifications 


-Fire spreads realistically across cells, influenced by wind and parameters you set 


-FireSettingsVolumes dictate fire behaviour, or inhibit fire, per-area -Easily set up limitless fire-related behaviours on your own actors through the FireInterface 


-Included Explosive Barrel example actor catches fire, burns, explodes, and creates its own FireGrid to propagate fire further 


-Included FireSpreadingProjectile creates and ignites firegrids wherever it hits 


-Easily override particles and sounds 


-Be the envy of every other video game with your totally rad fire.

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