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Interactive Snowfield

Interactive Snowfield


You can use these Blue Prints to make snowfield,mud road or desert which can left trails.Snow will pile up on the edge of trail.

Support landscape material.

If you want to use snow trails on your landscape you can use a SnowActor_Land who will follow player's camera and only draw limited area around player's pawn.

You can also create a SnowActor who will draw proven area with own render target,it's useful for trails you don't want fade by distance.It can use with Niagara.


Tow draw ways are supported:

Use a texture to draw trails which is useful for simple shapes such as sphere,box,or car.

Use a scene capture 2D which follows your actor to draw accurate trail with depth.Character's footsteps and complex skeleton mesh with animation could draw their trails accurately by this way.


To save computing time

Drawers won't draw until it's moving

SnowActors will update only when draw information updated

Tessellation depend on distance.

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