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Japanese Shrine Pack - Modular 170+ combinations

Japanese Shrine Pack - Modular 170+ combinations


Accurate Rendition of Japanese Hachiman Shrine with modular building pieces and multiple material variants!

A Hachiman shrine (八幡神社) is a Shinto shrine dedicated to the kami Hachiman. It is the second most numerous type of Shinto shrine after those dedicated to Inari Ōkami. You can find this kind of shrines all over Japan, from small villages to large cities.

With this pack, you can build as huge or as small Hachiman shrines as you want. Every shrine piece is modular so nothing is prebuilt apart from the example scene. This means you can build any kind of shrine you want, ranging from small to large. The pack comes with various material variations, so you can utilize these all assets in clean, mossy, and snowy scenarios! In total, there are 170 possible unique combinations!

These models themselves are optimized to be used in various situations, ranging from visualization and animations to video games. By utilizing weighted normals, realistic models are achieved with low polygon counts, and high resolution normal map is not required for smooth edges.

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