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This is a Jerboa's 3D model and animations.

-Characters folder contains Skeletal Meshes of Jerboa.

-Low poly and middle poly models are included in this folder.

-Animations folder contains animations of Jerboa.

-The Animations/InPlace folder and the Animations/RootMotion folder contain In-place and Root Motion animation variations, respectively.

-Textures contains the texture of the body of Jerboa and the texture of the whisker of Jerboa.

-These are the main contents of this asset.

-BP_AIJerboa's AI has minimum functions.

-BP_AIJerboa supports Navi mesh.

-You can use it just drag and drop it onto the scene.

-This character's AI's function is only to simply follow the player.

-You can easily modify or replace this with your own AI.

-For that reason AnimBP_Jerboa has the following features.

-The animation is synchronized with angular velocity and forward velocity of capsule component.

And automatically change the animation rate according to MaxWalkSpeed.

Also, depending on the change in the scale of the character, the animation rate is changed.

Thanks to these features, even if you modify the character's BP, it animates without slipping the feet.

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