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Jungle Statues

Jungle Statues


Here, you will find jungle style Asian statues. Constructor includes a lot of elements and a few gathered examples.

Triangles counts:

Statues elements (14 items) - 28000 tris

Statues bases (4 items) - 4000 tris

Simple blocks (3 items) - 2554 tris

Gathered example 1 - 9800 tris

Gathered example 2 - 22700 tris

Gathered example 3 - 31000 tris

Gathered example 4 - 28000 tris

Gathered example 5 - 14500 tris

Gathered example 6 - 21000 tris

Gathered example 7 - 28500 tris

Gathered example 8 - 4600 tris

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