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Laser Rangefinder BP

Laser Rangefinder BP


The Rangefinder displays distance to target at the default cross-hair location/center of screen. Metric and Imperial measurements are both used and can be easily customized.

The Rangefinder displays distance to target at the default cross-hair location/center of screen. Metric and Imperial measurements are both used and can be easily customized. It comes preset to automatically converts upward and the points of conversion can be easily adjusted to suit project needs. Rangefinder Information is sent to an easily customized Widget and can be set to any location in the HUD.
The Lasersight Targeting Beam is a Custom Particle beam effect that can be easily attached to Weapons/weapon attachments and changed to any color. The beam draws from a start location to an end location and is aligned with the cross-hair point in the center of the screen.

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