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Modern Loft Full Pack

Modern Loft Full Pack


Hazelwood Loft is a highly optimized cross-platform project showcasing the interior & exterior of a two-story photo-realistic modern loft in both day and night time along with it's surrounding city.

Hazelwood Loft is a cross-platform project showcasing the interior and exterior of a two-story modern loft. It comes in 2 versions, one for day time & one for night time. It also includes a third dark & cinematic version of the night scene. Each version offers a different & unique experience of the contemporary space with its own high quality & realistic lighting.

The project is highly optimized and can be used with VR headsets as well as mobile devices & comes with a complementary city pack that can be contemplated from the exterior terrace, including a wide variety of modern buildings & skyscrapers, perfect for populating your project’s mid-grounds & backgrounds.

It also comes with more than 600 carefully color graded cinematic cameras that makes it ready for film shooting, making it perfect for architecture visualization, commercials, marketing, games, VR, product presentation, film & interactive experiences. This virtual film-set is the perfect platform into which you can bring all your creative ideas into, by telling your own story & building your own unique experience. 

Main Features:

- photo-real & modern two-story penthouse

- two different settings, day time & night time

- ready for VR headsets & mobile devices

- includes modern furniture & the surrounding city

- includes a highly optimized city pack

- highly optimized low-poly & realistic assets

- built as a film set with different room moods & vibes

- more than 400 different assets included

- art direction inspired by modern architecture & design

- minimal CPU & memory footprints


    Thư viện đồ họa là trang web cung cấp dịch vụ thuê thư viện tính phí, nhận đặt mua model 3D, Assets Unreal giá rẻ. Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng nhắn tin bên góc dưới màn hình. Rất vui khi được phục vụ các bạn.

    Cách thức mua hàng:
    Bước 1: Đăng nhập vào tài khoản của bạn, đăng ký miễn phí

    Bước 2: Chuyển khoản vào STK sau: 

    Số tài khoản: 105874060900 - VietinBank

    Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Thanh Tùng


    Bước 3: Chụp bill và gửi vào mục chat ở góc dưới bên phải màn hình


    Bước 4: Nhận link tải về qua phần chat

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