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Modular Abandoned Building

Modular Abandoned Building


Modular abandoned RUSSIAN building and other elements for your game

The project includes:

Walls, windows, doors, roofs and other details for the construction of modular abandoned buildings (from concrete wall panels). Modular building models, basically, have a finished painted texture, and also have the ability to complement its vertex painting.

Floor, roof and road material are vertex painting materials.

Two types of modular stairs.

Various old furniture and its various variations

Various thematic (military) interior items

Electric models - an electric panel, various lighting lamps, sockets, switches, etc

Modular building kit allows you to build buildings of various shapes and a different number of floors.

 The height of the wall panel is 380 cm.

The wall panels of the building are 600 and 400 cm long.

Doorway height 210 cm.

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