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Modular Ancient Ruins

Modular Ancient Ruins


There are modular meshes and flexibly customizable materials. A few biomes and plants for each.

This is not the limit, regulate objects as you want and create other bioms. There is also a map with the basic elements for quick start.

Meshes: 108

Vertices(LOD0): 585-11000

Vertices Foliage(LOD0): <50000

LODs: Yes - LOD1-50%LOD2-10%

Collision: Yes

Physically-Based Rendering: Yes

Particles: 3

Number of Textures: 237

Texture Size: 4096x4096-256x256

Materials: 126

Landscape Materials: 5

Scenes: Level_OverviewConstructionsDemonstration(Desert,Forest,Winter)

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