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Modular Cliffs

Modular Cliffs


Set of modular cliffs with supporting assets to make beautiful seaside or inland rocky environments.

The focus of this package is a set of modular cliffs. They will help you create realistic looking map edges, rocky shores or inland cliffs that blend nicely with the terrain. Each cliff module and the two big rocks come with a mask and two sets of two detail materials that are overlayed on top of basic material, with full control over their intensity and opacity. Their scale is world based so the level of detail is preserved and stays consistent when parent meshes are scaled.


The terrain material is comprised of three tessellated paint-able height blended materials. The package also includes 2 types of shrubs, grass with three different material variations and a small tree. They are all wind enabled.


All big objects have four LODs (100%, 50%, 25%, 12%), smaller ones have three LODs. All of them have tight collisions, except for the vegetation assets which don't have collision meshes.


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