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Modular Sci-Fi Hospital

Modular Sci-Fi Hospital


The Modular Sci-Fi Hospital contains a laboratory, surgery, morgue, and a room for regeneration with clean surfaces, glass, metal, and sci-fi rubber.

The Modular Sci-Fi Hospital is a modular setting designed for maximum convenience and flexibility. You can create different versions for your own environment, such as corridors, rooms or large halls, the modules allow to create a wide variety of clean and new sci-fi interiors. This setting contains sets of walls, ceilings, floors, doors, corridors and the same set of medical equipment for a modern laboratory, surgery, morgue, and recreation rooms, chairs, tables.
This project contains a demo scene as in the images.This is the first part of the three on which I'm working, the following parts will include a modern city hospital (not sci-fi) and old abandoned hospital in the horror style, and of course even more new medical equipment and props.

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