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Modular Sci Fi Orion Mars Corridors

Modular Sci Fi Orion Mars Corridors


Sci Fi Modular Corridors and Junction, intersections, T's left and right corners to produce an unlimited amount of layouts and mazes. Built as a Mars research station but can also be used as spaceship corridors.

This has been updated with three new wall Meshes and materials to match the upcoming release of the "Orion Living Quarters asset pack". I have just added things rather than change things that would alter any previously added assets. This is the first instalment and is just the corridors, junction, spiral stairs, bulkhead sliding doors, scaffolding, and a few props. Theses are pieces that can be laid out in an unlimited configuration to create a maze for chasing and avoiding other players. I have tested it in VR with a Vive. The Blueprinted Cargo cases can be picked up and thrown. The bulkhead sliding doors can be altered to use the VR hand controller to activate the hand scanner and open the doors in VR. The assets use Material Instances and colors and material properties can be easily changed and customised. Has been tested with the third person and VR modes.

background image in the Mars Skydome: Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech.

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