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(Pre) MW Mountain Redwood Trees Forest Biome UPDATED

(Pre) MW Mountain Redwood Trees Forest Biome UPDATED


MW FOREST: Complete biome solution to build a photorealistic giant sequoia forest. Full procedural forest generation. Photogrammetry models and textures of trees, rocks, debris & plants. Powerful materials and landscape shader.

FEATURES [3.4.1]:

  • Procedural forest generation
  • Procedural snow/winter shader system
  • Interactive Foliage
  • 4 paintable landscape layers
  • Paintable procedural water puddles
  • Procedural slope material
  • Procedural ground cover
  • Dynamic river and stream material with particles
  • Procedural moss material function
  • Material wind system
  • Full set of LODs + billboards
  • 1qkm example map (showcase)
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