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NPC Eyes Sight System - PRO. NPCs can see shadows!

NPC Eyes Sight System - PRO. NPCs can see shadows!


This system uses points on the actor's skeletal mesh to pinpoint the actor. For example, the entire character can be behind a wall but part of his hand will look out from around the corner, then the NPC Eyes System will find him.

Update 1.2:

+ Client-side calculations are now disabled by default. This can be enabled in the BP_NPCEyesSightProComponent.

Update 1.1.0 - Now you can also use static meshes in regular actors. For example, doors or windows.

Update 1.0.1 - small fix.


System for the best stealth games!

This system uses points on the actor's skeletal mesh to pinpoint the actor. For example, the entire character can be behind a wall but part of his hand will look out from around the corner, then the NPC Eyes System will find him. This system works very realistically and will always find a character where PawnSensing can't handle it. You can add as many points as you want anywhere for your project's needs. If an NPC turns its head, this system also follows its gaze. You can adjust the range and viewing angle.

In the PRO version, NPCs can now see the shadow of their opponents. For shadows, any points on the skeletal mesh are still used. Now in the PRO version, you can enable the option and NPCs will be able to see the target only if it is currently illuminated by a color source. This also works for all points on the skeletal mesh. Everything is very easy to use. You can assign a different reaction if the NPC sees a shadow or your character.

All code is written in C ++ and works in the background thread for the best performance.

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