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Post-Soviet World

Post-Soviet World


Post-soviet panel houses with interiors and tons of props

Walls, windows, doors, roofs, staircases, railings, hedges, balcony pieces, street lamps, and other props (like pipes, furniture, antennas, satellite dishes, etc.) are presented in different variations so there is no limit to your creativity.

The architecture is mostly Russian and Eastern European.


Important Note:

Everything you see in the video is presented inside this asset pack. However, only one apartment is finished and game-ready. You can copy it as many times as you need and make your own adjustments to it or you can build your own apartments as you see fit.



Technical Details



  • Most of the assets have Vertex Paint options
  • Detailed and carefully textured modular assets
  • A landscape with a multi-layered Landscape Material and customizable tessellation.
  • Modular meshes and prefabs
  • Interchangeable PBR Materials
  • Game-ready environment
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