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Art of Explosions with Sounds

Art of Explosions with Sounds


Air, Ground, Water Strikes and Explosions with Sounds - ALL IN ONE PACK!!!

Here you can find air explosion assets, ground explosions and water strikes. These awesome particle effects are intended for air bombing explosions, artillery barrages, mines, napalm explosions, grenades, smokescreens, howitzer or cannon hits, tank or other vehicle damages, airplane or zeppelin damages, torpedo hits, coastal artillery strikes, airplane firing into water and many more.


75 materials and instance materials, high quality shaders and 39 awesome textures included, some of them in 4k resolution.


Also, as a BONUS this pack includes: 49 high quality sound files. Each particle uses 6-12 combined different sounds randomly, which gives most realistic audio performance. Pack intended especially for PC games.

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