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(Pre) Beautify

(Pre) Beautify


Beautify is a post processing effect that improves the image quality in real time producing incredibly crisp and vivid scenes.

Beautify is a full-screen image post processing effect that improves the visual quality in real time producing incredibly crisp and vivid scenes.


Key Features: 

• Enhances visual features, restores or augment details, producing sharp images - in many cases the change can be dramatic, like switching to High Definition. 

• Improves pixel color when needed, without oversaturating the image. 

• Removes the extra blur caused by many antialias post effects. 

• Improves perceptual texture quality - even low resolution textures look better.



• Compare Mode - with a single toggle, brings a side-by-side view of the scene (regular vs enhanced image).

• Depth Controls - the depth range where the effect is applied can be specified with custom falloff.

• Daltonize - integrates the ability to boost primary colors to compensate protanomaly (red deficiency), deuteranomaly (green deficiency) and tritanomaly (blue deficiency). 

• Vignette - with advanced options like outer/inner ring, custom tint color, aspect ratio, blink and fade out.

• Integrated Color Tweaks - additional options like vibrance, hard light, contrast and brightness which are integrated in the shader and works procedurally (practically free in terms of performance since there're no additional texture lookups).

• Integrated Dithering - customizable dithering intensity helps reducing banding artifacts..

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