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Blink and Dash VFX

Blink and Dash VFX


Blink and Dash (mesh-based) effects

The asset contains the Blueprint macro example of "blinking/dashing" with camera FOV changing. (The macros is using for the demonstration and may not fully suit your needs)

Please don't hesitate to contact me by email if you have any questions or suggestions.

Technical Details


  • 10 Unique Blink and Dash (mesh-based) effects (6 Dash and 4 Blink effects).
  • Dash effects use Meshes for the trails/curves, not the Niagara ribbon. It will not follow the character while moving. The set distance for the dash is 1000 unreal units.
  • Made by using Niagara
  • The asset contains the Blueprint macro example of "blinking/dashing" with camera FOV changing. (The macros is using for the demonstration and may not fully suit your needs)
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